OK, I have had my Yún for 3 days now, so let’s get started.
First of all, pictures:
The heart of the Arduino core: the Atmel MEGA32U4 microcontroller. 32KB of Flash memory, 2,5KB of SRAM and 1KB of EEPROM, the usual I/O, essentially a Leonardo. Pretty classic stuff.
What is not visible in the pictures, is this:
This is the Atheros AR9331 processor. It runs at 400MHz, has 16MB of Flash, 64MB of RAM and runs Linino, a Linux distribution based on OpenWRT.
Now, with 3 different reset switches! From left to right, for the Yun (Linux), the WiFi and the 32U4 (Arduino).
I was wandering how fast “upload a sketch over WiFi” was, so I made a little video comparing it to the classic “upload over USB”: